starbar.gif (11696 bytes)

Protection Division Pins

DIGPRO.jpg (23656 bytes)

Dignitary Protective Division

bulldog.jpg (15595 bytes)

Dignitary Protective Division

prot11.jpg (11754 bytes)

Carter Protective Division

prot4.jpg (19968 bytes)

Bush Protective Division

prot1.jpg (14223 bytes)

Bush Protective Division

prot10.jpg (19528 bytes)

Vice Presidential  Protective Division


prot8.jpg (19426 bytes)

Presidential  Protective Division

First Lady Detail


prot15.jpg (22112 bytes)

Nixon Protective Division

prot13.jpg (19414 bytes)

Treasury Protective Division

dpdstd.jpg (15038 bytes)

Treasury Protective Division

prot5.jpg (11788 bytes)

Ford Protective Division

prot.jpg (7831 bytes)

"Official" Pin

prot7.jpg (10733 bytes)

Vice Presidential  Protective Division

prot16.jpg (18134 bytes)

Vice Presidential  Protective Division

prot17.jpg (17434 bytes)

Vice Presidential  Protective Division

falcon.JPG (25507 bytes)

Clinton's National Security Advisor Samuel "Sandy" Berger 

popestlouis.jpg (12434 bytes)

Pastoral Visit

Protection Detail

prot9.jpg (19597 bytes)

Visit to St Louis by

Pope John Paul II

prot2.jpg (6893 bytes)

"Official" pin used for

Pope John Paul's Visit to the US

Pope95.jpg (14469 bytes)

Pope John Paul II

Baltimore Maryland

8 October 1995

kemp.jpg (20459 bytes)

1996 Vice Presidential Candidate

Jack Kemp's Protective Detail

Pantherdetail.jpg (12727 bytes)

Panther Detail

Clinton's Chief of Staff

Erskine Bowles

jpd.jpg (14349 bytes)

Johnson Protection Division

rpd.jpg (17599 bytes)

Reagan Protection Division

ppdcircle.jpg (13321 bytes)

Presidential Protective


prot18.jpg (22005 bytes)

Protective Operations


prot14.jpg (26175 bytes)

Carter Protective Division


starbar.gif (11696 bytes)

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